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Psychology behind horoscope

Nov 12, 2018

If you are always unlucky in love, constantly bickering with your partner, or find that you tend to lose the initial spark in relationships much faster than most other couples, it could be down to an incompatibility between your star signs.

The zodiac calendar has existed for many years, it really splits opinion around the world as to its accuracy and effectiveness as a tool for understanding people’s personalities. However, once past the surface level, there are actually a lot of parallels we can draw between astrology & psychology. The two co-exist within the human psyche, the development of our personalities and how our thoughts and actions are influenced by these are key examples.

Why do people believe in astrology?

Oct 20, 2018

The answer to the question lies in the same realm as why people believe in just about any superstition. Astrology offers a number of things which people find very desirable, information and assurance about the future, a way to be absolved of their current situation and future decisions & a way to feel connected to the entire star system.

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Astrology shares this with many other beliefs which aim to be categorized as new age. For example- the idea that nothing in life is truly coincidental. On this view of life, things which happens to us, even the smallest or seemingly most insignificant event, happens for some reason. Astrology provide at least some of the answers as to why they happen, and perhaps even a way to predict them in advance. In this way, astrology helps people to understand their lives and the world around them.

In a sense, astrology does work. As practiced today, it can work quite well. After all, most of those who visit an astrologer end up feeling satisfied & feeling that they have benefited. What this really means is not that astrology has accurately predicted the person's future, but rather it means that visiting an astrologer can be a fulfilling and personally satisfying experience.

Think about what happens during a visit with an astrologer, he holds your hand, looks in yours eye, & explains how you as an individual are actually connected to our entire cosmos. You are told how mysterious forces in the universe around us, far greater than ourselves, work to shape our intimate destinies. You are also told relatively flattering things about your character and life, and in the end, you are naturally pleased that someone cares about you. In the generally disconnected modern society you feel connected — both to another human being and to the world around you.

If we consider the zodiac calendar from a psychological perspective, it becomes clear that both have a large influence in our lives.

Not only in the way in which we develop our own personalities and sense of self, but also in how we interact with each other, how our relationships start and how throughout history the planets have greatly influenced the human behaviors of entire generations on a psychological level.

How Astrology give positive energy to move forward in life ?

Oct 1, 2018

According to Ganesha Acharya Ji Maharaj, you are whole, you are complete & you are a Soul composed of Divine energy with a wealth of resources, wisdom and peace.

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Yet you chose to hold specific energetic signatures in this life. A Divine fingerprint of energy, with a unique purpose, magical creativity, inspiring gifts, unlimited potentials, and numerous opportunities for growth.

Astrologically, we know this energy as our Sun Sign because the Sun is warmth, vitality, illumination, and growth. The Sun is Light.

Person’s Sun sign is his astrological Light. It is his main source of energy – and yet it’s just the beginning. Everyone has all 12 astrological energies within us expressing themselves through different areas of our lives and various forms of energy.

The best thing about astrology is that it feeds the vanity chip in our brains that begs for self-analysis. If you believe it, the breakdown of your sign can illuminate strengths, weaknesses, goals & passions — traits that can point you in the direction toward a more fulfilling life, in the context of your career, or a more fulfilling livelihood. There is nothing like a little introspection to get those ambitious fires ignited, which is why we are here today: What job best suits you according to the stars?

If you are in the throes of a job crisis, astrologists will direct you to the sixth and tenth houses in your chart, which represent work, daily life career & reputation, respectively. But if you are looking for something more bite-sized and digestible than your whole chart, you’ve come to the right place.

To start living a positively inspired life, listen to GaneshVaani, where Ganesha Acharya Ji Maharaj teaches you to be positive in your life.